Friday, December 24, 2010

Life - God's Charisma

Amy and I spent last night wrapping Christmas presents for the kids.  I was a little reluctant at first only because I was overwhelmed by the amount of presents that needed to be wrapped (one of the side effects of having four kids), but after wrapping the first gift I was in the 'spirit'.

Truth be told, I enjoy wrapping presents.  I think it's the anticipation that begins to swell within me when I envision the reaction of my children as they tear the wrapping paper in hopes of revealing "the gift" that they have been anxiously waiting for. I love giving gifts to my children!

Unfortunately, no matter how perfect my gifts are, or how much my kids beg and beg for a specific gift, there comes a time when that gift no longer captures their attention and it's on to the next thing.  Does that stop me from giving gifts?  No, because my love for them never stops.  Even though my love is imperfect at times, I am given a glimpse into our heavenly Father's heart.  The words of Jesus saying "So if you know how to give your children gifts that are good, how much more will your Father in heaven keep giving good things to those who keep asking him!" (Matthew 7:11 Complete Jewish Bible) start become more clear.

Our God is a generous God and he has a gift for you... LIFE!

"...God's gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus" (Romans 6:23 The Message).

Many of us are living, but are we experiencing "real life"?

Zoe is the Greek word for "life" in this passage.  It means "absolute fullness of life, real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God, blessed."  Can you honestly say that these words describe your life?  I'll be honest and admit that my life, at times, has lacked these qualities.  I have spent my days striving for it, and coming up short -but why?  You see, this life is a gift.  It can only be received.  It can not be achieved through my efforts.

The Greek word for "gift" is "charisma". It means "a favor with which one receives without merit of his own; the gift of divine grace".  If you're like me, receiving doesn't come easy, but I'm learning.  My children don't have a problem with receiving.  The love getting presents! They can't wait for the next time they'll receive a gift.  Perhaps we should take their lead and live life with that kind of expectancy.  Is it possible that this is what Jesus meant when he said "I can guarantee this truth:  Whoever doesn't receive the kingdom of God as a little child receives it will never enter it." (Mark 10:15 God's Word Translation)?

My prayer this Christmas is that I become a better "receiver" so that I may experience life, God's charisma.